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General James Green

 “He replied to them, When it is evening you say, It will be fair weather, for the sky is red, And in the morning, It will be stormy today, for the sky is red and has a gloomy and threatening look. You know how to interpret the appearance of the sky, but you cannot interpret the signs of the times” (Mat. 16:2, 3, Amp).


     “It is quite obvious that something is WRONG!,” as one author has written: “The United States of America and the church are in CRISIS!”

I’VE BEEN GIVING the WAKE UP! call for over 30 years now—I mean, really sounding the Battle Cry…to go to war. The enemies are not just approaching the gates, they have, indeed, set up camp right in the middle of this nation: Socialism/Communism (Cultural communism), Islam, the Pink Pervert Brigade, and the Atheists are mounting the offensive as well…while the church sleeps on!!!

As A Nation

AS A NATION, as a church, we’ve forgotten our Biblical roots, and our mission. No longer does the church KNOW who and what the enemies are, and what we’re supposed to be fighting for (as in 1 Tim. 6:12), and fighting with (as in Eph. 6:12). Those who are awake have their hands full...we need help!



OH, YES, THIS! Have we forgotten Jude 1:3 already? “Beloved, when I gave all diligence to write unto you of the common salvation, it was needful for me to write unto you, and exhort you that ye should earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints.” Yes!

Those words “earnestly contend” (Gk. epagonizomai, G1864) describes the battle that the FAITHFUL Christians must fight in the defense of our blood-bought faith. It literally means: “to struggle,” “suffer,” or, “fight a fight” (as in 1 Tim. 1:18: “…that thou by them mightest war a good warfare: holding faith…” v. 19; see also 2 Tim. 4:7=“I (Paul) have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith.”)

It is really disheartening to see so MUCH apathy among those who profess to “know Jesus.” The church has earned the reputation of being BACKSLID.


The Plague

AMERICA IS PLAGUED with PCism, that is, Political Correctness. Taking a prescribed pill (given to us by the medical sorcerers) has not and will not stay this plague. America needs the Gos-pill. And applying a Band-Aid to cover up the religious and political corruption only keeps the infection alive. AMERICA NEEDS REPENTANCE, LOTS AND LOTS OF IT. We have brought this trouble upon ourselves by our backslidings (plural). We have stopped fighting the internal war and went hog-wild on fighting the external—like the really futile war on ‘terrorism’…when America actually had its hand on causing the problem. Unless we defeat the inner enemies (see the list Jesus spoke of in Mark 7), we JUSTIFY our personal and national sins (plural), and the sins of other nations.



AMERICA USED to be the land of the free and home of the brave. All this has changed since the church went whoring after the gods of this world. Now she is the land of ME, and the home of the HOMO!

“One nation under God”?, yes, god, as in 2 Cor. 4:4=“god of this world”=Satan (see Jn. 12:31; 14:30; 16:11; Eph. 2:2; 1 Jn. 5:19). The modern church actually is at WAR with its founder—Jesus Christ. Both church and state are fighting a losing war…this helps other enemies in their conquest to rule America: one-worlders, pink perverts, militant Muslims etc.


Our Mission

WE’RE WITHOUT EXCUSE, dear “Christians.” We’re told in Mat. 28:19 to “GO…TEACH all nations, BAPTIZING them…TEACHING them to OBSERVE ALL THINGS whatsoever I (Jesus) have COMMANDED you.” Some call this the Great Commission, I call it the GREAT COMMAND. The “world” is all around us…it needs repentance and remission of sins. We’re not to just build churches and play “saints,” NO!, we’re to make disciples (followers of Christ, not some mega pastor, fancy-pants evangelist, or some holy-healer). We’re to be “living epistles.” All this “enlarging church membership” stuff is not the point; “perfecting” the saints (once-saved) is (as in Eph. 4:11-15); we’ve lost sight of this, haven’t we? Yes! Now the church (and nation) worships stuff, things, pleasures, and especially the “ME.” We’ve put up the Sword that Cuts, and put out the Fire that Burns…and look at this God-awful mess called Churchianity, that is a weak-willed, emasculated whore, rotting as she dies.


WHILE THE CHURCH is waiting to be “raptured” out of the world, she does little to rescue those trapped in the world. Jesus prayed “not that Thou (God) shouldest take them (His disciples) OUT OF THE WORLD, but that Thou shouldest KEEP THEM FROM THE EVIL” (Jn. 17:15). Will you, reader, “retire or refire”? We’re not to “seek to be weak,” but “seek to be meek;” HEREIN LIES OUR STRENGTH.


Christ came to…

DIE!...FOR US. He died, not to save us in our sins, but FROM our sins. This is the opposite of what the modern church has stooped to believing. And He did not die so as we can live the good life (such as enjoying the things of Sodom and Gomorrah). Eternal life expresses both perpetuity and quality—a divine type of life, a life that FREES us from the power of sin and Satan. But, today’s church prefers the SEWER! She has overwhelmingly embraced the “wrong,” and despised the “right.” It is this that ENSLAVES us, not frees us (see John 8:34).



AH, YES, that “C” word. Your treasonous president, Obama, uses this word often. He has in mind socialism/communism (even Islam), not changes for Christianity. The kind of change he speaks of is anti-Christian/anti-Christ. True change is about WINNING the WAR inside our minds/hearts.

The “Mission Possible” is accomplished one step at a time: dominion over the world, the flesh, and the devil, This evil trinity has its mission: TO DESTROY US!! As the saying goes: “Many demons have a mission to prevent you, and as many souls as possible, from reaching your goals.” Seeing souls saved is worth the fight. So, “join up” today: get off your lazy behinds and get to the front lines. THERE’S A WAR ON!

WORLD, but that Thou shouldest KEEP THEM FROM THE EVIL” (Jn. 17:15). Will you, reader, “retire or refire”? We’re not to “seek to be weak,” but “seek to be meek;” HEREIN LIES OUR STRENGTH.


Christ came to…

DIE!...FOR US. He died, not to save us in our sins, but FROM our sins. This is the opposite of what the modern church has stooped to believing. And He did not die so as we can live the good life (such as enjoying the things of Sodom and Gomorrah). Eternal life expresses both perpetuity and quality—a divine type of life, a life that FREES us from the power of sin and Satan. But, today’s church prefers the SEWER! She has overwhelmingly embraced the “wrong,” and despised the “right.” It is this that ENSLAVES us, not frees us (see John 8:34).




AH, YES, that “C” word. Your treasonous president, Obama, uses this word often. He has in mind socialism/communism (even Islam), not changes for Christianity. The kind of change he speaks of is anti-Christian/anti-Christ. True change is about WINNING the WAR inside our minds/hearts.

The “Mission Possible” is accomplished one step at a time: dominion over the world, the flesh, and the devil, This evil trinity has its mission: TO DESTROY US!! As the saying goes: “Many demons have a mission to prevent you, and as many souls as possible, from reaching your goals.” Seeing souls saved is worth the fight.

So, “join up” today: get off your lazy behinds and get to the front lines. THERE’S A WAR ON!

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